
©Jaybees All rights reserved

Analog process & Digital handling ©Jaybees

I like to think that my photographs come from other worlds: Oneiric lands & Supersymmetrical's worlds.
2022/02/02 to 2022/05/01
Artist's street, Joliette, QC, Canada.
Impossible landscapes
Personnal exhibition.
09/02/2021 In Las Laguna gallery (Laguna Beach, CA, USA).
Pop Icon collective exhibition: Sept 2-30, 2021
In issue 28 from The Hand magazine

Exhibition for Holga & more, in TC gallery , Dallas (TX, USA)
02/23 to 04/13 2019
12/13/2018 I'm selected for Black & white & Monochrome at Greenville SE center for photography. Exhibition will start 2/1/2019.
12/01/2018 I exhibit "after the copper snow" in Portland, at the Black Box gallery annex.
Exhibition 1 to 20 12/2018
07/31/2018 I'm proud to announce my return in Somerville for the 2018 Toy camera festival
This year the partnership is for 2 Art pieces with the Brickbottom gallery
11/24/2017 I'm selected for ArtAscent Paradise issue.
You can pre-order it on ArtAscent website.
07/29/2017 Selected for Analog Vs Digital at Foley Gallery in New York. Exhibition from 08/16 to 08/26/2017.